
We are hiring a new CCJ-Building Manager!!!

This is a very part-time and very important role for our local community. And includes a variety of duties and skills.

The essence of this position is to schedule use of the building, communicate with renters, track rental payments, respond to emergency calls related to building use, make or oversee minor repairs, oversee janitorial and parking lot/grounds maintenance, social media updates, attend monthly operating committee meetings and more.

Our current manager works 5 – 10 hours a month

Some of the skills to be successful in this role are: confidence in phone and email communications, ability and flexibility to be physically at the CCJ at intermittent times during the week, document and communicate information for the community members who use the CCJ and to share with the operating committee.

If hired you would work as a subcontractor for the CCJ

We are aiming to have a new hire start in January 2025.

Please reach out to me, Erin Gravelle CCJ Operation Committee Chair, for more information and to express interest. Position will be open till filled.