
Transition Town Jericho presentation 1/27

Transition Town Jericho presentation: Why a changing climate matters to our health

On Monday Jan 27, from 6-7:30pm at the Jericho Community Center, Rosemary Rochford will present this talk. There will be a brief background on climate science and how C02 level rise leads to global warming.  A warming planet will have impacts on our health, both direct and indirect. A broad overview of these health effects will be given, followed by a discussion focused on food, food waste, and nutrition. Finally, thoughts on what are opportunities for adaptation and the hope in the future we can choose through our collective efforts.  

Rosemary’s bio:  I am Professor Emerita at the University of Colorado, Co-Director of the Colorado Consortium on Climate Change and Health and founding director of the University of Colorado Climate and Health Program 

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