
Register for 9/13 Agewell Meal

It’s that time again!
Time to register for the September 13 Agewell Grab & Go Senior Meal.

This month, the meal is Swedish steak with mushroom sauce, seasoned penne pasta, broccoli, wheat bread, vanilla fluff with blueberries & strawberries, & milk.

Pickup at Community Center in Jericho (329 Browns Trace)
Wednesday, September 13 from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Suggested Donation $5 (but no one will be turned away!)

Contact Jen Greenwood, CCJ Manager by September 8th
Phone: 802-274-4024 or Email:

Age Well is a nonprofit organization that serves Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties and is the largest Meals on Wheels provider in Vermont. Our mission is to provide the support and guidance that inspires our community to embrace aging with confidence. To learn more and donate, visit: