
Crafting for a cause

Crafters – check out this upcoming event: crafting for a cause!

Giving Thanks Craft & Crop To Benefit Josh’s House /JoshPallottaFund
Saturday, November 4, 2023 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Jericho Community Center – 329 Browns Trace Jericho Vermont

Please join me as we honor our veterans and give thanks for all of the blessings in our lives. This is a -1
day, in person event that welcomes crafters of all kinds and is designed to focus on YOU and YOUR
projects. I will have giveaways, games, door prizes and more. The cost is$75, non-refundable, per person. If you pre-register and are paid in full before October 1s the cost is$50, non-refundable, per person. Your fee includes 8 hours of nonstop fun and your own 6 foot workspace. Lunch will be provided. Water will be provided all day. Al proceeds go to the Josh Pallotta Fund to benefit Josh’s House, a wellness and recreation center for our veterans.

*** Please note- to be considered a reserved seat the registration fee must be paid in full. ***

To register:
send your full registration fee of $50 before October 1st or $75 after October 1st by PayPal or Venmo. or Venmo @Tassie219. Please note on your payment “Giving Thanks 11/4”.
Additional Craft & Crop Days – January 1 3 – Scrap The Winter Blues Craft & Crop to benefit Jericho
Community Center and March 2nd -March Madness Craft &Cropt o benefit Relay For Life of Chittenden
County. Iam offering a discount, a total of $120 for al three events, when you register and pay ni ful
before October 1st. Please note on your payment “Trio of Crops”.