
CCJ Seeking Volunteers

In addition to being a rental space, The Community Center in Jericho aims to sponsor and facilitate events, classes and programming that serve to enhance the wellbeing, entertainment and interconnectedness of the people of Jericho and surrounding communities. 

Thus the Community Center Operating Committee is continuously seeking new ideas and new community members to energize this part of our mission. We welcome ideas for activities and events that the Community Center in Jericho – Operating Committee (CCJOC) can sponsor with our funds and people power.

Four ways one can volunteer:

  • Join the CCJOC as a member
  • Suggest an event for the CCJOC to sponsor and you run the event
  • Volunteer to support or run annual CCJOC events like:
    • The Green Up Day brunch
    • Annual Fundraiser Calendar production and sales
  • Volunteer to support individual CCJOC sponsored events as needed

You can reach out to CCJOC Chair Erin Gravelle at with your ideas, questions or interest